Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hello, Old Friend!

I saw someone today who made me remember something I have quite forgotten. Yes, I have forgotten about Wernicke's area.

Credit that to the deluge of social networking sites that preoccupied my free and even my not-so-free time, I indeed have forgotten that I had blogged. The great thing about forgetting is the joy you feel remembering. Though it is not always the case that forgotten things bring good memories, this one surely did. As soon as I remembered, I used the google app I had in my blackberry and keyed-in the url. I could hardlly describe how much joy each finished sentence brought me - my own writing seemed to be not my own. Accurately, it was myself, albeit a few years younger speaking to me and it was indeed magical.

So many things happened after I wrote the last entry, and perhaps, it was with a bit of regret that I failed to write between that time and now. I have always known how writing made me feel more alive and now I know why. Through writing I am able to live twice as long as when I simply let each moment pass without reflecting on them. For how was I able to write if I had not made those pauses so as to state what was on my mind. Writing indeed is like shining a light at everything that is inside a dark room of my soul; the effort it takes to grope and reach each and every crevice brings to light things forgotten and even those which are undiscovered.

First entry that I read is my blog Date Dissecting, and immediately I realized why I was not in speaking terms with that guy in the party. ;-) 

I will probably spend a few moments looking around Wernicke's area, certain that it will bring me more joy and moments of pleasant surprises. 

Wernicke's area is that part of the brain associated with understanding written and spoken language.

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