Still Raving About Bikram Yoga
Some thoughts on my Birkam Yoga practice:
I've been coming to class for almost 6 weeks now and I'm still loving it. I was able to go for 31 days straight (no make up class!) and then skipped 3 days (aww...sad) but now I'm back - I did my 12th straight class earlier tonight. Hey, it's probably the reason why I've been happier the past few weeks.
If not for my yoga practice, I wouldn't have realized I've been really slacking it off the past years. I wasn't as determined; I've probably become too resilient or complacent. I used to be able to take in so much information and remember so much details, could write papers, pleadings and stay up late - alert and awake, until the sun rises. After my law firm days, I allowed my mind and body a much needed break but this break could have become some sort of a hibernation.
And now, I'm rediscovering how much my body can do if only I put my mind into it. I've realized, I should no longer make excuses for my lazy, couch potato self. If I continue to read a LOT to enrich my mind, why should I keep myself from having a sound body? I want to live a longer, happier and fuller life!
I'm sticking to Bikram Yoga because it is difficult but yes, I can do it! It is one activity which is actually more mental than physical. At the end of the class, I'm more energized rather than tired, and my mind has been clear all throughout the day ever since I started. I remember my first class: I spent half of the time dizzy and lying down because I was not breathing properly. On my second day, I told myself that I will hold the postures no matter what. The next few days, I would tell myself that I love that pose whenever I'm tempted to drop the posture. I've struggled doing dandayamana janushirasana (standing head to knee pose) for weeks (I still struggle with it now) but I've discovered something the past couple of days: Sherie would always tell me whenever I fall out that I'm thinking too much. I've tried so hard doing the planting your feet firmly on the floor thing as taught by Ginger but I couldn't help dropping the pose each time I do it. Last Wednesday, I heard Al saying that all five fingers should be interlocked and hold the foot three inches below the fingers. He's been saying that since ages ago but somehow, it was only at that instance when it finally sank in. What I did was I indeed gripped the sole of my foot with my webbed two hands and viola! my knees was locking some more, my feet are not wiggling and I was able to hold the pose the entire time! Amazing. I was able to do the pose when I stopped getting sacred that I will drop the foot - I was so busy enough with the webbing to webbing thing with my hands that I forgot I was scared of the posture.
There are still a lot of postures which I could not do no matter how much I attempt to command my body (push those hips to your heels! argh!) but I look forward to doing something new every class. It is really true what they say about how yoga is all in the mind.
It also helps that I get additional tips from reading the book, "Bikram's Beginning Yoga Class." Chatting up my classmates, I headed their advice to breathe through the nose. I've learned how to listen and follow my teacher's instructions and, indeed, little by little, day by day, my practice improved. It helps a lot that my classmates are so supportive and they readily give advice on how to make my practice better. I'm even happier that I've made a lot of new friends, having attended all the schedules and met the regulars of each class (my favorite timeslot is still the 8pm, though). My yoga friends who've been coming to class for sometime are so supportive and encouraging, that is why whenever I see new people who are just starting their practice, I take time out to be friendly and encourage them too.
My teachers tirelessly and patiently monitor my progress (yes, they do!) even if there are so many of us. Ginger takes time out to give me a pep talk after class each time I approach her and air my concerns about my practice. Sherie believes in me and contantly pushes me to challenge myself to do the postures all the way. She would take time to demonstrate and refine our poses. Al pays so much attention in correcting my postures. The other day, I was so grateful to him when he walked me through doing toe stand: he went beside me and did toe stand with me, and yes, I did it. Well, I have a lot of refinement to do but the initial mental blockade has been overcome. I still couldn't balance on the floor without using my hands. Anyway, I know I will get there. Also, I think it was last Wednesday when he patiently taught me how to snap out of my lazy tuladandasana (balancing stick pose) - hehe. Wow! Yes, bikram yoga is so much fun because of all them!
The past few weeks have been so amazing for me. I now believe that something can pop out of the blue and change your life in the blink of an eye. All you have to do is welcome it when it comes.