Hooked on Bikram Yoga
I haven't been blogging for sometime and here's why.
Since the day I started Bikram Yoga at Sundar Bikram Yoga Greenhills on 22 January 2008, I haven't missed a single class. Yes, not a single one. This morning I had my 20th consecutive class. When I need to go somewhere in the evening, I make it a point to wake up early and attend the 6:30 am class. Or when I am unable to do that, I schedule the event after 8 and attend the 5:30 pm class. I attend even on Saturdays and Sundays, yes I do. Why? Again, here's why.
I was never the athletic type who likes sweating a lot and craves for a really good work out. I've actually been a slouch potato for the past few years. It's either I see going to the cold, cold gym as a chore or would love swimming or badminton but gets discouraed by the aching body parts. Now, I could say I've finally found an activity which gives a lot of benefits to both my mind and body; it's really incredible.
Doing Bikram Yoga everyday made me eat less and drink more water. Everyday, I look forward to the class to see if I can do the poses properly. It's a good thing my instructors encourage us that even if we can't get that forehead to the knee yet, or head to the toes, we will get there eventually. To be able to do the poses properly, I've discovered that I should not have a full stomach at least 3 hours before the class. Add to that, I realized I could do bikram yoga better fi I didn't eat too much sweets, pastries and softdrinks included. I've also been drinking non-fat milk in the morning and before going to bed to give me confidence in giving my all in doing my favorite deepest backward bend, the Camel pose. Last night, I had a glass of Merlot and I can really feel its effects, and even smell it, while doing the poses this morning. I easily get off balance and nearly fell off while doing the standing head to knee pose. As for the water, my consumption has effortlessly increased to at least 2 liters and I take it immediately after class. I used to find it difficult to control my bladder after taking in so much water but not the past few days. I could very well be excreting the water through my sweat glands. I just love seeing sweat dripping from my elbows drip even while doing the first breathing exercises!
Having been working for almost 7 years now, and being relatively middle manager exercising a lot of discretion, also considering the nature of my profession, it is such a relief to reclaim the skill and discipline of listening and obeying - yes, obeying and not complaining (haha). When the instructor says breathe normal through your nose, then by all means do it. I was lucky to know that it is true, it make a world of a difference when I breathe inside the hot room - it really, really, really works. Sometimes I still get stubborn and contradict the "orders" by saying "I can't lock my knees!" but you know what, when I just do it, despite feeling the stretch, I've realized that indeed, I can do it! (My forehead nearly touched the floor this morning!)
I've made a lot of friends and my instructors are really encouraging. It is quite easy to make friends and just smile after sharing 90 minutes of doing a lot of hardwork. (Sherie, by the way cooks incredibly tasty Indian food: I sampled her curried mushroom and basmati rice on my first Saturday and it was so delicious I couldn't stop thinking about it the whole day! Funny girl, always with so much energy. Ginger is such a sweetheart - but she means business when she says you can't only wipe or drink water. I catch Al's classes most of the time and while he seems to make us hold the poses a few seconds longer, he takes pains to make sure we, individually, do the poses right. Some of my classmates say that it is more personalized in Greenhills than in other bikram yoga studios.) Even if I ache a bit in some parts of my body, concentrating on doing the poses eases it. It is most difficult when I take the 8 pm class and then go to the 6:30 am class the following day. Al is always right when he says we're tighter in the morning. So true!
I've been seeing results. I know that I now look different from the time I first saw myself in the mirror preparing for the half-moon pose and how I looked this morning. It is also so encouraging when my yoga classmates and even some of my friends tell me I've lost inches. Of course, the problem areas are the last to yield to my efforts but wow, my double chin has taken a leave (hopefully, it won't come back) and my nose seems narrower. Hahaha!!! My clothes fit better and while it makes me feel good about myself, I am a lot happier because I don't get easily tired, I sleep better, I am more focused, I eat better, I'm no longer sluggish - I can do more!
The yoga studio has also become sort of a sanctuary for me. I once had a massage on my first week and I realized it didn't help me a bit. The cold room made my muscles more sore and left me with a threatened stiff neck. Inside the yoga studio, I can relax while in savasana while waiting for the class to start. Sometimes, my classmates become chatty but I really don't mind cause the people are so friendly and so supportive. During class, all I hear is my teacher whose voice sometimes reverbrates in my ear even while I'm about to sleep telling me to "come down and push, push push... change." After class, everyone else quietly slips out of the room and would respect you while you enjoy several more minutes of precious and elusive peace and quiet - something which I realized I've been deprived of or I have deprived myself for the past couple of years.
The other day, after a stressful day at work, I realized that in the yoga studio, I can hoard all the peace and quiet I need to keep my mind off my worries - yes, it comes so naturally. I just love it.
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