Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Pre-Valentine blues

It's the first day of February, I didn't even notice January passing by!

Thinking about February will undeniably lead one to think of Valentine's day. Well, lucky for me, I have pretty much to think of - upcoming weddings and preparations related to it (not my own wedding, of course), to name a few.

Well, apparently, some people have already been bitten by the love bug, or otherwise like the idea of riding on the usual spell-hype every February.

You see, I have an anonymous texter. His/her/its number is 09173413687. I have asked the texter several times to identify him/her/itself, to no avail. According to my friend from Globe, I need a court order before they can disclose the owner of that number. Talk about right to privacy.

Well, it's not really annoying, more like amusing really when I received the first text last week. The first one was an advanced valentine's day greeting - nothing out of the ordinary, I should say. The second one was simply this:


A generic currency sign and a dash which in SMS, appear like a flower.

Now I received the third one this Monday and it goes:

"if loving you is wrong, then I don't wanna be right.
my love for you is strong & brighter than any light.
the way we must go is long, but we'll win every fight."

At first I though, "duh?! who's this person?!" Thinking about it now, it's hilarious. Whoever sent it was undeniably unoriginal and urgh, most likely, he/she/it plagiarized it from somewhere. It is surely nothing but a practical joke.

And then I started speculating who the sender was and ending up weaving theories, comparing previously known conduct of suspects. Certainly, that message didn't come from any of my friends as their creativity and wit would produce an output far beyond the inane text message. I actually have someone in mind but it bothers me just thinking about the possibility.

It was at that point when I realized that, whew! The joke was really on me. The fact that I've given it not only some but much thought shows he/she/it has gotten into me. Not that I believe the content of what was sent but more on the fact that whoever that person was, he/she/it got noticed.

At any rate, since he/she/it has already been given enough mileage here, I might as well say my piece on love, refuting his/her/its three-liner. To me, love must be nothing less than all these:

Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous nor conceited, nor proud.
Love is not ill-mannered, nor selfish, nor irritable.
Love does not keep a record of wrongs.
Love is not happy with evil but it is happy with the truth.
Love never gives up; its faith, hope and patience never fails.

Love is eternal.

(To be continued.)


On February 18, 2006, I received a text message from the same number, asking who I am and expressing wonder why I have been sending text messages. Giving the benefit of the doubt, I explained that someone has been sending text messages to me using that number, implying that someone other than him/her could have been using that number. I gave my name. Why? Because in the remote possibility that thet person sending me the text massages is someone I have in mind and he's been using a significant other's cell phone, then, that is my sweet revenge for the vexation of having an anonymous texter. Bleh.


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