Thursday, August 18, 2005

When it throbs...

It would probably take a lecture from a neurologist before anybody can make me belive, or accept, that I am suffering from a migraine. To me, a headache is a headache. Ascribing a simple, layman nomenclature to this affliction is a means to downplay how it ruins my day.

I was one of those who were lucky to actually experience excitement over the prospect of learning new things in college. One of the mysteries I sought to discover is why do people experience headaches. Unfortunately for me, one of the first few things my bio psychology professor told us is that scientists have not really identified a particular cause for having to endure having a stubbornly pulsating and throbbing head every one in a while. The fact that I have to resign to the use of the very broad word "pain" to describe my ordeal gave me a clue that there could probably be numerous reasons why my head shows symptoms of malfunction. But then again, it seems it is just befitting that something as intricate and prolific as the brain would have an equally intricate and unexplainable affliction. Same with people and things who, or which, "means a lot " to you. They don't really matter to you if they didn't have the power to evoke such strong positive and negative emotions. But of course, you wouldn't want to have it any other way, would you? So I guess, I should be grateful for having headaches? At least it means my brain is still working...


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